Sunday, November 18, 2012

35 weeks is ending.. and I have hit the wall

End of week 35

20 week difference..... nuts!

This week i realized how insanely close we are to the end of this pregnancy... and it has be totally freaked! I realized that after Thanksgiving break... i have 3 weeks left at school before my due date. THAT'S IT!!! Talk about anxiety attack!

I have had some extremely uncomfortable back pain this week...... which is NOT my friend! I have also had pain on the right top side of my stomach, like he is just sitting there pushing against my side! I feel like he is EVERYWHERE!!! he must be running out of room, and taking out his frustration on me! For example... I will feel him in the right side of my ribs, and at the same time, kicking my right hip bone and messing with the left side all at once! does he have like 4 legs or something?!?!?!?! So, i have officially hit the wall of "uncomfortableness".  My heartburn has been ridiculous!! But I am trying Pepcid AC and also Evamor water.. hoping that one or both will calm this heartburn situation. The hand pain, is progressively getting worse, lasting longer, and is now effecting both hands pretty equally. I haven't found anything to help with that or anything to battle the insomnia! I am so exhausted, but when it comes time to sleep, i can maybe grab 1-2 hours at a time, which is frustrating! The next 3 weeks will probably be the last time I get GOOD sleep for a REALLY LONG TIME... and yet, i cant get any!!! SERIOUSLY??? But i just have to keep telling myself, you have 4 weeks left, you can do this, the last 7 months of my pregnancy has been a breeze, i was due SOME type of symptoms...... ill take them for a month to make up for the comfortable last 7 months... and I know that it is all worth it!!

Tomorrow Ryan took the day off so we can run some errands and go to the doctor at 10:30! This is our 36 week appt and we will get an update on his position, weights estimate, length, and how I am progressing..... I have definitely been "feeling" different this past week.... which makes me feel that maybe ill be having him sooner than later! EKKKK

This weekend we also had a garage sale with Ryan's family to try to get RID of all the extra junk in our house!!!! It went well, and we definitely got rid of some stuff.. the rest is Good Will bound! We have also been trying to get the upstairs organized.... which seems to be a never ending battle!!!

Today, Sunday, we went for our hospital tour!! Now I have had 2 friends recently deliver at Methodist, so i was familiar with the rooms, act.. but the whole process.. not so much. So we learned about how we check in, where to park, visitation rules, etc.... which again... made me realize how close we are to actually needing to USE all the information we have been slowly accumulating over the past 9 months...

This upcoming week my family will be traveling to Houston to spend Thanksgiving with Ryan and I and Ryan's family! I think it is going to be SO GREAT to have both sides together to celebrate this wonderful time of year!!! We have so many things to be thankful for this year! We have truly been blessed in 2012 and I cant WAIT for the best blessing to get here soon!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 34....... OMG I'm having this kid in 30-35 days.... approximately... EKK!!

The end of week 34.... WOW.....

I really cant believe that tomorrow we are starting week #35..... where did the time go!!! 

This week I was lucky enough to sub in for our Admin team as they attended a conference!!! So it was just me and the counselors... and the day did not disappoint! I feel so blessed that my admin team has faith in me that I can handle the position and hold down the fort in their absence! I have subbed in a couple of times for them, and each time I do it makes me more and more excited for the career that I have to come!!! Now when it will come... we will see... but I know that this was what I was suppose dto do and I know that when the time is right and the school is right it will happen!!!

Anyways, the day was definitely busy and I did SO MANY THINGS, just none of them were on my to-do list! HAHA!! As a teacher, it's easy to forget all the demands that are placed on the administration team on a daily basis, and I feel that still being a teacher and occasionally experiencing "the other side" help me play devils advocate and open the minds of people who sometimes don't really understand what admin does all day and thinks that it is easy...

I have also taken on another business, because I'm not buys enough right???  HEHE! I decided to become a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant! I have been using their skincare line for years and LOVE IT!!!! I hardly ever break out, and if i do its directly stress related. Therefore, it made sense that I   go ahead and support and work for a company that I believe so strongly in their values and products!  I placed my first order for clients last week and I am waiting for it to come in!! If you need a Mary Kay Consultant, or just wanna try it out, let me know!! You can check out the products on my website!!

If you are interested in possible sets or Christmas gifts let me know and I can create a special package for you so you can save some $$$$ :) I personally LOVE the Satin Hands Set, The TimeWise Collection and the LipGlosses!!!

Swelling update : I ordered some compression stockings and they came in Tuesday. I wore them to work Wednesday - Friday and NO SWELLING! Praise Jesus!!! Also, i didn't wear them at all this weekend, and STILL no swelling!!! I will definitely keep wearing them to work because its great to see my ankle bone again!!! 

However, another symptom has crept up on me.... one that I brushed off in my reading and paid NO ATTENTION to because i thought it was silly.... well.... its not..... its sucks! My new found "friend" is called pregnancy carpal tunnel syndrome....... yes, I am serious. I began noticing about 2 weeks ago that my hands were sore in the mornings... I figured i was just doing something weird in my sleep, or had a weird dream and didn't think anything of it. Then this past week, the pain in my left hand would WAKE ME UP at night.. and then when it was time to get up, i could barely bend or move my hand.... fabulous. After the shower and shaking the hand, it does loosen up after about 30 minutes, but throughout the day it feels sore, like i strained all my finger joints.... SO WEIRD! 

According to, 

What is hand pain during pregnancy

Numbness, a "pins-and-needles" tingling sensation, or aching in the hands and wrists, especially noticeable at night. Your doctor may have also diagnosed you with carpal tunnel syndrome, which is characterized by pain, numbness, and tingling in your hands, fingers, and wrists.

What causes carpal tunnel during pregnancy

Pregnancy swelling puts pressure on a key nerve in the wrists and causes the same aching and tingling symptoms most often associated with ergonomic strain and repetitive motion. (Of course, if you're pregnant and having ergonomic strain or doing repetitive motion, you're twice as likely to experience it.)

What you need to know about hand pain or carpal tunnel during pregnancy

If you're feeling this pregnancy symptom more at night, it's because the fluids that accumulate in the lower part of your body during the day are redistributed elsewhere, including your hands, when you lie down. (Kind of reverse gravity.) Luckily, though, this symptom should disappear after delivery as your swelling diminishes.

So there is hope that it will go away... eventually.... but still, my little nighttime friend is QUICKLY wearing out his welcome!!!

November 19th is our next appointment to see how Ethan is growing, his position, and see if we are still on pace for our due date! For those of you who have been reading from the beginning, remember the ORIGINAL due date was December 10... and then it was pushed back a week to the 17th. However, each time they measure him, he has been measuring 2 week larger in size... so we will see!!!

I cannot believe that we start week 35 tomorrow!!! In 5 weeks, 35 days, we will finally meet our little man and become a family of 3 :) :) 

33 weeks..... time is FLYING!!!

end of week #33

This week has flown by! Whoever said that your last trimester seems to last forever...... WAS WRONG!!! I don't know if its because I'm so busy at school or what, but time is definitely not creeping!

This week I went to the doctor for a little check up! I talked with her about my swelling and she referred me to a website to get supports hose..... sexy, i know.... So im thinking abut ordering some because this swelling is driving me CRAZY!!!! So ill let yall know next week how its going!!! Dr. Hunt said everything looked fine, Blood pressure was good, his heart rate was good and strong and the BEST part was that I FINALLY had an appointment where I DIDNT GAIN WEIGHT!!!! Praise Jesus... it was looking a little scary there for the last month!

Saturday I went to a baby shower for our friend Jamy and Clay who are ALSO having a little boy the week of Christmas! Im so excited to have a new mommy that I can call and chat with whose little one will be almost the same age as Ethan!! The shower was super cute and it was great to see people i hadn't seen in a while!! When i got home Ryan put together the pack and play and I stocked it, and we got out the car seat, base and stroller and began trying to figure those things out!!!

Sunday I was planning in going to Buy Buy Baby to stock up on some necessities that we needed before the baby arrived. Yes, we have gotten TONS of adorable things for Ethan and I couldn't feel more blessed, but I still needed things like Lanolin cream, breast pump accessories, milk storage bags... and lets be honest, who really wants to give that kinda stuff at a shower?!?!?!?! So anyways, I had received an email about a month ago saying that they were having a 20% off registry completion event Sunday from 9am - 11am i decided to just go buy the carseat base since they are never 20% off anywhere. I signed up and put in on my calendar. On Sunday I left the house at around 9:15 to drive out to the store... when i arrived at 9:35, the parking lot was empty...... I was a little confused so i drove by the doors and all the lights were off..... HMMMMMMMM. So i pulled up the email on my phone and called the number, well somehow I got sent the email by mistake and it was for the AUSTIN location! BUT they said that since it was a mistake on their end they would honor the 20% off and it would count toward anything i bought that day on my registry or not! SCORE!!!!!!! I found out inside that usually their registry completion coupon is only 10%, so i lucked out! So i decided to buy all the things that never do go on sale, like all the Medela products we needed, the car seat base, little newborn toys, cleaner, bath wash, lotions, feeding accessories, etc.

After my little shopping trip I definitely felt more ready incase Ethan decides to make his appearance early!! I cant believe we are so close! YAY!!!!