Monday, May 28, 2012

Week 11 - Could I BE more tired?!?!?!

Today we are 11 weeks along!!! Come on second trimester!!!! We went to the doctor on Thursday and saw the little one!! He/she is currently growing 4 days ahead of schedule!! EKK!!! We were shocked to see how different the baby looked this time!! It has grown SO much since our 6 week sonogram! No wonder I'm so exhausted!! I have been feeling WAY better since I started take my prenatal vitamins at night! Thank goodness! However, I do get so tired that it makes me feel nausea...... so i guess its an even trade off. But I will say that besides the fatigue I've had a pretty good first trimester! Can't complain!

Baby Dietz at 11 Weeks!

 Baby Dietz head to toe at 10 weeks 4 days!!

Baby Dietz Face shot! Alien looking.....

 Baby Dietz waving his/her arms!!!

Also at the doctor she said she thinks my "episode" at school had to due with my blood pressure...... I hope she's right!!!

This weekend we went to our great friends Tacie and Sean's wedding!!! It was beautiful!

Her gorgeous cake

Beer Pong cake anyone??


Broach Bouquet! It was so heavy!

Baby's First Formal Affair!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Well this is new.....

So apparently when you get pregnant your body goes kinda nutso.......

So today I stood up and kinda saw spots.... this has happened a couple of times if i stand up to fast so i thought nothing of it... well the spots started to get bigger and i kinda started to get dizzy.... so i thought maybe my blood sugar is low so I ate and orange and drank some water... nothing! The spots got so big that my right vision space was covered with a big "flash" like what you get when you take a picture.... So i went to the nurse and had my blood pressure taken and it was normal. Then the more I described my symptoms they figured that I was probably experiencing my first Pregnancy Migraine........ well thats just awesome! So they laid me in dark room for 10 minutes and when i came out the spots where gone!!

The weird thing is my head never really hurt... but for the rest of the day I had a small headache and was really tired. Being the crazy that I am I googled it and turns out it is pretty common!

According to "It is also normal to experience your first migraine when you are pregnant. Some studies have found a slight correlation between migraines and hormones." 

According to "Ocular migraine and dizziness go hand in hand and the dizzy feelings are ascribed to the fact that when the patient’s vision is blurred it follows that there will also be certain amount of dizziness and flashing lights in the corners of the eyes. In addition, the individual will also notice gray or black spots obstructing their natural vision.

The good thing is I am going for my 10 week doctors visit tomorrow so I can have her check out all these fun new developments... HA!! 

After the appointment we are heading to Dallas for Tacie and Sean's Wedding!!!

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, May 21, 2012

10 weeks today!

Well we are 10 weeks along today!!

We are going back to the doctor on Thursday for our next check up and ultrasound! Then its off to Dallas for Tacie's wedding!!! School is out June 7th and then I can get started on cleaning out the 2nd upstairs bedroom and prepping it to become little Dietz's nursery!!! I just wish we knew if it was a boy or a girl... I am SO impatient!

Yesterday baby Dietz received his/her first present from their future partner in crime Kamryn Ragsdale!! Kamryn is our friend Taryn and PJ's little girl who is 8 weeks old!!! Baby Dietz is so lucky to have such loving people surrounding him/her!!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

9 weeks along!

Baby Dietz is 9 weeks 6 days!!!! 
He/She is already starting to pop out!!! CRAZY!!!

We're Expecting!!!!!

I started this blog because we are having a BABY!!!!! Little baby Dietz Dude or Diva will be arriving December 2012!!! We are beyond excited and want to be able to keep family and friends updated on our life as our home begins to expand by 2 little feet!!! So I will be posting updates on everything that is happening in our newly changing lives!!!

6 weeks Ultrasound!!! We saw a heartbeat on April 26 !!!

To share the good news with families and friends we created wine labels!!! Since I can't drink everyone else might as well have a drink for me :)

We also gave our parents a little frame with a poem and an ultrasound picture!

Of course Big Brother can't be left out!! Toby has is very own special shirt!!

To summarize, I have been feeling okay........ just REALLY tired, but I can't sleep, and nausea in the mornings. Although, I am now taking my vitamins at night and the nausea has greatly decreased so FINGERS CROSSED!!!!

Ill be posting bump pics hopefully each Sunday - so my goal today is to get my 9 weeks bump pic taken since we become 10 weeks tomorrow! CRAZY!

Kisses to you all!!!