Monday, October 29, 2012

32 weeks down and 49 days to go!!!!

The end of 32 weeks!!! I cant believe in 50 days we will be meeting our little man!!! 

So last Sunday we took our Maternity pics!!! And the proofs are IN!!! They are super cute!!!! Our photographer Destiny from Truth Haven Photography is Fabulous!!! These are just screen grabs until we get our CD!!!

Wednesday was my work shower, and it was so amazing!!! The decorations were super cute and Ethan  received so many amazing things!! We are so blessed to be loved by so many people!!!

P.S. It was college day... thats why I'm in a college shirt!

This past weekend was so busy!!!! Since we had such a crazy busy week, we came home Friday, went to eat at Fuddruckers with Ryans mom and granddad, and then came home and CRASHED!!! Saturday I  helped take some girls to perform at the University of Houston football game halftime show. I arrived at Shaw to pick up the girls with my Assistant Principal at 9:15 Saturday morning. We the drove to U of H for practice on the field from 10am - 1pm!! Thank goodness though it FINALLY got cold here! I was really dreading a 3 hour practice in 80 - 90 degree weather! After practice we met a bus load of other Shaw kiddos that came to attend the game too for hot dogs, chips and drinks at the Pavilion while we waited for the game to start. The first half the girls watched the game in the stands.... and if you didn't know U of H has a stadium that has like 4 steep  inclined ramps that you walk up to get to your seats... let me tell you how much fun THAT was 32 weeks preggo...... talk about a work out!

The girls performed with about 1400 girls from the Houston area!!! They did great!!! Since we don't actually have a dance team, we had to borrow outfits and poms from the high school.

Aren't they SO CUTE!!!!

After they performed we loaded up and came back home! I got home around 6... and did not move for the rest of the day!! It was one of those times where you feel fine... until you sit down and everything cramps up at once!!! Ryan had spent the day golfing so he was tired too! Needless to say it was an early night for me and Ryan!

Sunday I laid around and ran some errands and continued working on the explosion of baby stuff we have everywhere!!! Ryan had made plans a while back to play golf with some guys in Galveston, so he helped around the house till like 11 and then he went to play golf.  Such a busy weekend and we only have 7 left as just a family of 2 :)

Hope everyone has a great week!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

31 weeks preggo... and Beer Olympic Champs!!! haha

End of our 31 weeks!!!

My My what a difference 20 weeks makes!!!

This week we went to an Infant Care class on Monday. It was very informative about what will happen once the baby is delivered and how/why the hospital does what it does to newborns. They also went over basic infant care and issues that babies have the first couple of weeks so we are prepared and I don't freak :) Although i could have done without the image of the little straight jacket they put little boys in to circumcise them...... how sad :(

Tuesday i had my Doctors appt to make sure everything was going okay :) Ethan's heartbeat was strong and all my labs and Glucose test came back good!!! My weight.... ehhhhhh not good and not bad..... just a little higher than she would like for it to be. Now im not saying im huge..... but i am currently at the weight that she was hoping  would be close to when i delivered..... not this soon. So im just going to start paying a little more attention to my diet and my sodium intake. But, besides that, everything is going well! Ethan even gave her a huge kick to say hello why she was monitoring his heartbeat! Crazy kid!

My belly is starting to get even bigger! This week i had two kids in the hallway RUN INTO IT! well, they weren't running... but you get the idea! I feel so blessed to have the privilege to work with such a loving and caring group of people and i am SUPER excited about the shower they are throwing us this week!!! 

Friday.... was an experience........ So Fridays as a teacher are probably a preggos FAVORITE day because we can wear jeans and tennis shoes!! So I am normally my most comfy on those days! Well on Friday I was teaching class and i felt like around my ankle was bruised..... so i lifted my pant leg and saw this.....

No, do not adjust your screen and No, this is not a 500 pound persons foot.... that was MY FOOT.. and I freaked! I emailed the picture to our school nurse who immediately had me come down and check my blood pressure - Perfect- THANK GOD!!! But she did give me very strict instructions about swelling and how my blood pressure was good now, but i needed to be careful because obviously that is a huge amount of swelling... and i DO NOT want to be put on bed rest!!! She also wanted me to call my doctor and prop my feet up the rest of the day. So i called my doctor and talked to the nurse to make them aware. SJe asked me about any of the preeclamsia symptoms and i didn't have any, so thats good, but she told me to limit my sodium intake and stay of my feet as much as possible when not at school. So when i got home Ryan made me stay in bed and made me breakfast in bed :) He is awesome!

The next day we had our friend Bryan's birthday party, which was a theme party, Beer Olympics! Now, obviously i cant partake in the drinking aspect, Ryan took care of my share, but that didnt mean i couldn't compete!! We had 4 games - Washers, Beer Pong, Darts, and Hockey ( a card game). Well Ryan and I got 2nd place in Washers, 1st place in Beer Pong, 3rd place in Darts and 3rd Place in Hockey... after the points were tabulated.. WE WON!!!!!! Ethan would be so proud!!!

Getting ready to DOMINATE!

Beer Pong Champs!

Dirty Dietz is the WINNER!!!!

Team Pics!

The next morning we attended our friends Taryn and Patricks daughter Kamryn's baptism. She was so cute!!! Then we went over to their house for a luncheon and cake! Yum!! We left at half time of the Texans game and came home to take a quick power nap, well i did, Ryan finished watching the game! Then it was time to get ready for our maternity pics!!! We took then out on some land in Alvin and I cannot WAIT to see them!!! I think they are going to be super cute!!!

PHEW! what a busy weekend we had!!! 57 days left until Ethan's due date and we still have so much to do!!! But i guess it will all eventually fall into place! I cannot believe that we will be meeting out little man soon!! I am overwhelmed with excitement already!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 30.... 10 weeks to go!!!

The end of week 30 :)

This week, once again, was CRAZY busy!!! Monday we attended a breastfeeding class at our hospital. It was very informative and had tons of take home info as well! Although it did kinda make me nervous!!!! I know women have been doing it since the beginning of time.... but its just seems so strange to me... and awkward. I am such a type A person that I know I am going to need to chill out and relax and learn that it is something that takes time and that I cannot control. It made me really start to realize that I am about to no longer be in control of every situation, i cant plan and schedule everything anymore.. and it kinda freaks me out! But i know that I have a ton of support on my side of the family, Ryans side of the family, and our friends that I can call if i have any questions!

Wednesday was our 3 year anniversary! We went to Killens Steakhouse! It was soooo yummy!! If you live in the Houston area you MUST check it out!!! I received an email a while ago from Cowboys Stadium saying they were having a Pre-sale of March Madness Southern Finals tickets. The image had a picture of the Kansas University basketball team. Well Ryan is a HUGE Kansas basketball fan and I thought this would be a PERFECT gift! Well they didn't go on sale until the day after our anniversary, so i printed out the email and put it in a card, planning to buy the tickets October 11. So on Wednesday before we went to dinner I gave him my card, SO excited for him to open it! He smiled and asked if i had already bought the tickets, I said no, they went on sale the next day. He then began to explain to me that no one knows who will play in the South Finals, until closer to the date..... SERIOUSLY!!!! I mean i know that they don't "know" the brackets yet..... but Kansas goes every year, and the were the COVER PICTURE for the email!!!!! UGH thats probably how they sell tickets, uninformed wives! So there went MY anniversary gift! Ryan, however, is smart and got me a Keurig Platinum!!! It is amazing!!!!! I love it!

Friday my parents came into town for the Houston shower! They brought with them the cradle that My brothers, cousins and I slept in when we were little!!! My mom even made new bumpers and sheets for little Ethan to have! It looks great!

Saturday was our AMAZING shower!!! I don't have all the pictures yet, but below are some highlights!!! The theme was adorable and little Ethan is so loved!!! The hostesses did an amazing job!!!

After the shower my mom, dad, Ryan and I spent all day Sunday doing baby laundry and organizing all the stuff we have for Ethan so far! Talk about OVERWHELMING!!!! But his room is slowly but surely coming along!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!!! Week #31 here we come!!!


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Last week in the 20's........ Tomorrow starts the 30's!!!

Week 29

CRAZY what happens in 20 weeks!!!!! I WILL look like that again...... someday...... hopefully....... :)

This week was a typical week at work, nothing to exciting! However, the reality of all the things you need when you have a baby and the space needed to store all of them set it...... EKKKKK!!!! After our shower last weekend the idea of space became a PRIZED commodity at this house.... WHERE do people put all this stuff!!! Now I know why people have storage units!!

Saturday was the Battle of the Piney Woods at Reliant Stadium. It is a football game played at Reliant with Stephen F. Austin vs. Sam Houston State University. The tradition was started 3 years ago and we have gone each year! Its a fun time! We go with a big group of SFA and SHSU Alumni and tailgate. This year we got out there around 11 and tailgated till the game started at 3pm. There was a Caricature guy that was walking around drawing free caricatures of people! I love how ours turned out, Ethan even made a cameo!

The one thing that did plague me while we were there was swelling......... the worst it has been so far!!! I already put my sandals on 2 holes bigger than i normally wear and soon became to tight :( same thing with my fingers! It took me icing my hand for like 20 minutes and cold running water just to get my wedding ring off :( i was really hoping the weather would turn cool before the swelling set in..... guess i was wrong :( So when we finally went into the game, it was a much needed relief!!! The game was actually a good time! I say it that way because i figured SFA was gonna get beat BAD!! But the game ended up going till the last couple of minutes of play and sadly... SFA lost. But it was still a great time!!!

However, my feet are still throbbing today.... like someone went Kathy Bates Misery style to my feet!!! sad... Hopefully ill be bale to make it to the gym this week, i read that working out helps with swelling... and since i haven't gone in 1 1/2 weeks maybe thats a contributor.... but i know that it is all going to be worth it in just 10 short weeks when we have a handsome little new addition to our family!

This upcoming week/weekend is gonna be CRAZY!!!! Monday we have our first hospital class, our anniversary on Wednesday, my parents are coming into town Friday, we have our Houston shower saturday, and our Maternity pics Sunday! So much for taking it easy in the third trimester! GO GO GO!!!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 28.... and still kicking.... HARD!!!!

Week #28 is in the BAG!

This week went by super fast!!!! Friday I had my Glucose test at the Doctor....... blah! The drink wasn't as bad as i was expecting... it was more like Sunkist on CRACK! It was so sweet it burned my throat! The doctor said that everything sounded/looked good! So know I have to start going every 2 weeks! I cannot believe that we are in the third trimester......

Friday night we drove to Dallas for our first SHOWER!!! Thats another thing that was so weird... its shower time..... that means this kid is getting close to making his appearance!!

Our Dallas shower was given by my Aunt Bootsy in Dallas, Tx and it was so great to see friends and family that I don't get a chance to see all the time!! Here are a couple of pics from teh shower! My camera, of course, was full after like 10 pictures and i didn't wanna stop the shower opening fun to delete.. so i am waiting on the other pictures!! I cant believe how blessed we are to have so many people in our lives that are so caring and loving! Ethan is going to grown up truly being surrounding by so many amazing people! It is more than I could ever have hoped for!


Dallas Girlies!!!


The fabulous ladies at the shower!!!


Nanny and Aunt Pam!!

Aunt Bootsy!

Aunt Debbie


After the shower on Saturday I went home and crashed!!! I just cant hang like i used to!!! Ryan packed up his truck and headed back to Houston Saturday Night because he had to fly out for work Sunday morning. Sunday my mom and I went out to look for fabric for some mini bumpers she is making! All the kiddos in my family slept in the same solid wood cradle and Ethan will be joining the tradition! I cant wait to see how the bumpers look! My mom has got skills!!! Then Sunday afternoon I flew back to Houston to begin another crazy week!!!

Hope you all have a fabulous week! I cant believe we are heading int week #29!!!! 
