Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week 30.... 10 weeks to go!!!

The end of week 30 :)

This week, once again, was CRAZY busy!!! Monday we attended a breastfeeding class at our hospital. It was very informative and had tons of take home info as well! Although it did kinda make me nervous!!!! I know women have been doing it since the beginning of time.... but its just seems so strange to me... and awkward. I am such a type A person that I know I am going to need to chill out and relax and learn that it is something that takes time and that I cannot control. It made me really start to realize that I am about to no longer be in control of every situation, i cant plan and schedule everything anymore.. and it kinda freaks me out! But i know that I have a ton of support on my side of the family, Ryans side of the family, and our friends that I can call if i have any questions!

Wednesday was our 3 year anniversary! We went to Killens Steakhouse! It was soooo yummy!! If you live in the Houston area you MUST check it out!!! I received an email a while ago from Cowboys Stadium saying they were having a Pre-sale of March Madness Southern Finals tickets. The image had a picture of the Kansas University basketball team. Well Ryan is a HUGE Kansas basketball fan and I thought this would be a PERFECT gift! Well they didn't go on sale until the day after our anniversary, so i printed out the email and put it in a card, planning to buy the tickets October 11. So on Wednesday before we went to dinner I gave him my card, SO excited for him to open it! He smiled and asked if i had already bought the tickets, I said no, they went on sale the next day. He then began to explain to me that no one knows who will play in the South Finals, until closer to the date..... SERIOUSLY!!!! I mean i know that they don't "know" the brackets yet..... but Kansas goes every year, and the were the COVER PICTURE for the email!!!!! UGH thats probably how they sell tickets, uninformed wives! So there went MY anniversary gift! Ryan, however, is smart and got me a Keurig Platinum!!! It is amazing!!!!! I love it!

Friday my parents came into town for the Houston shower! They brought with them the cradle that My brothers, cousins and I slept in when we were little!!! My mom even made new bumpers and sheets for little Ethan to have! It looks great!

Saturday was our AMAZING shower!!! I don't have all the pictures yet, but below are some highlights!!! The theme was adorable and little Ethan is so loved!!! The hostesses did an amazing job!!!

After the shower my mom, dad, Ryan and I spent all day Sunday doing baby laundry and organizing all the stuff we have for Ethan so far! Talk about OVERWHELMING!!!! But his room is slowly but surely coming along!!!

Hope everyone has a great week!!! Week #31 here we come!!!
