3 months old!! Such a big boy!!!
Ethan is 14 pounds and about 25.5 inches long!!
This month has gone by quickly!!! Ethan has started smiling on a regular basis and for a reason, which melts my heart! It's true what they say, that the love you have for your child is unlike anything you have ever experienced. I am so attached and in love with this little man more than I ever thought possible!
My mom is doing better! Thank goodness! She still has a couple of weeks of the PIK line IV antibiotics, but she feels stronger, better, and already has more mobility in her arm than they thought she would have at this point!
This month we began experimenting with Daycare in preparation of me returning to work! So of course for his first day at school the little man needed a backpack! The first day i took him, i made it to the car, ten i cried. His first day didn't go great, but didn't go awful either. He just didn't want to eat really, which made me really sad! The next day i dropped him off, and went to get my hair done. I called on the way to see if he had eaten his morning bottle, they said no, so i started crying again..... but then they called back an hour later to let me know that he had finished one bottle, so i felt a little better. I know he is in a great place where he will get great care...... just as a parent I guess you will always worry for a little while, until he becomes used to it and happy. Im hoping that daycare will help him get on a better napping schedule, therefore spilling over into a better nighttime sleeping schedule. H used to sleep great at night, but recently he has decided he hates to sleep longer than 2-3 hours..... i though it was a growth spurt... but its lasted about 3 weeks now :( MUST. HAVE. COFFEE.
Some of Ethan's adorable moments this month!
Showing his support!
Ryan got us a CUTE ice cream cake! it was so yummy!!!
tuckered out from breaking those hearts all day!
My card from Ethan... Daddy did a little cut and paste... haha!!!
The shirt says it all!
Cuddling with daddy
He has discovered his hands and cannot get enough of them!
Playing with Cousin Emma!
Riding in the car clutching his toy
Haha someone sent this to me, thought it was funny!
He LOVES bath time!
Morning hangout time with daddy!
Practicing sitting up! he is constantly leaning forward whenever we hold him like he wants to sit straight! He is still wobbly and bobble heady... so we have to hold his head from time to time
Big head for a big brain!
Sporting my cousin Kody's and Koles baseball hat!
Yes i am a 3 month old in a SIX MONTH outfit..... I'm a BIG BOY!! I thought, this is so cute i wonder how much longer until it fits.... well, it fits....
Hanging out with Aunt Amy! I love to smile now!
So March 6th i started back at work. Since we had done some trial runs at daycare I had gotten my crying out of the way, so it was easier. We are lucky in that I take Ethan to my inlaws in the morning and they feed him and get him dressed and take him to daycare, along with his cousins, at eight. So to me, it was just like dropping him of at grandmas! I started work on a wednesday and worked Wednesday through Friday, ad then it was SPRING BREAK!!! am I a good planner or what??? But what made it easier going back to work was seeing these adorable signs and cards from my kiddos! They were VERY excited to have me back! Which feels really great!
Friday before Sprig break was the 6th grade teachers vs. 5th grade teachers volleyball! It was great fun!
Look at my fat rolls!!!
I have begun chewing on my elephant! he is currently my favorite toy!
Ethan updates
Hands- he has found his hands and cannot get enough of them
Sleep- he no longer really likes to sleep :( which sucks for mommy and daddy! I dont know where my perfect night long sleeping baby went!
Laughing! - After so many attempts at laughing he finally went on a giggle roll! He still doesnt do it very often but when he does it sounds adorable!
Tummy time - he is getting better, but its still definitly not his favorite thing
Holding his head up- He loves to straighten his back when you are holding him at your shoulder and look around, kinda like a lemur does. BUT then he will slam his head into your cheek bone or collar bone and cry and look at your like "WHAT DID YOU DO!"
Blowing bubbles- i think we are beginning to teeth because he has been blowing bubbles like crazy and loves to stick Mr. Elephant in his mouth