He dressed up to go see his cousins in their Sweet Serenade concert at school!
A picture of me on the left and Ethan on the right
So an update on my mom - She has surgery to place pins and a plate in her elbow. Then a couple of days later she was admitted back into the hospital with Cellulitis and they also found an abscess in her incision. They gave her antibiotics and there was no significant improvement... SO they had to reopen the incision and drain the abscess and clean out all the infection. While doing so they discovered she had also developed Staph :( SO the installed a wound vac to continue to clean the area, left her incision partially open and so now she has this... :( i told her she looks like JJ Watt! They also installed a PIK line that she will have to use to administer antibiotics at home for prob 2 months..
He seems to be developing along with where he should be, smiling "on purpose" more and definitely being able to focus more on faces and objects. He has good neck control when being held and will occasionally push back and stretch his neck out and look around, which is great! BUt, he still hates tummy time, just lays there.... will rotate his head side to side, but has no interest in using his arms and pushing up..... Toby tries to be supportive... hehe
Some of my favorite captured moments
At Crackerbarrel with Nanny
Styling his peach fuzz :)
Its crazy how I am home all day, and yet still get nothing done!!! and then, when i have time, i don't know where to start!!! I have too much baby stiff and not enough places to store it all!!
Ethan updates
Smiling - he has started smiling more and more and trying to laugh
Mobile- he is following more objects and hitting things with his hands
Kicking- he kicks everything!!! OUCH!!